Saturday, January 10, 2009

Moon of Hope and Love

It is the 10th of Jan 2009. The moon is going to be at its closest position to our planet earth (perigee). So what? you say. It is claimed that it will appear 14% bigger and 30% brighter than normal!! If you do not believe it, well maybe you need to do like me, make a point to watch it tonight just after sunset while it raises from the east and do not be late as by the time it is at the top of our heads (Zenith), human perception sees the moon less bigger. They call it the Wolf Moon in Celtic and Native American traditions and folklore, a symbol of night, a time which can be frightening and lonely. It also stands for the path of discovering the deepest levels of self, of inner knowing and intuition. To truly come to understand oneself, one must learn to listen to the voice within, which in silence speaks as clearly as the sound of a wolf howling in the night. The Arabs on the other hand calls it the 14th crescent (Bader) not just because it appears on the 14th day from the birth of the new crescent moon but also because it has always been associated with a beautiful young girl. A symbol of beauty, prosperity and love rather. On this occasion, I send a message of hope, love and healing to our brothers and sisters and the children of Gaza as still the black smoke of explosions continue to raise in Gaza skies blocking the twinkle stars and the bright moon while Israel is determined to kill the innocents with the excuse of self defense . Verily, along with every hardship is relief, Verily, along with hardship is relief (Quran chapter 94 verses 5-6).


Anonymous said...

hi thank you for visiting my
i like your blog it s very interesting

Maholy said...

Thank you for these so beautiful images of the sky and also for your comment !
I dont speak english very well because i'm french but i like very much your blog !
Dieu te garde et te bénisse mon frère !