Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Chrismas in Summer

It sound like it is contagious when I read yesterday about the Australian astronomer who claims that he has an explanation for what the Christian call the Charismas Star or Bethlehem Mystery. Yes, during the last two weeks or so we had a difference of opinion about when our religious Eid should start here in Oman. In Christianity, it is believed that a star revealed the birth of Jesus (PBUH) to the magi or "wise men" and regarded as a miraculous sign given by God to mark the birth of the Christ or Messiah. As per the astronomer, Dave Renek claims that he managed to solve the Bethlehem Mystery using the new technology that astronomical advancement have attained and the answer have even narrowed down the date of Jesus (PBUH) birth to a specific day!. News editor of Sky and Space magazine Dave Reneke says complex charting software has allowed astronomers to map the night sky as it would have appeared more than 2000 years ago and has revealed a spectacular astronomical event at the time of Jesus' birth. "It's like a digital map where we can move forward in time as well as backwards," the astronomer Dave Reneke explained. As a general acceptance, the dates for the birth is ranging between 3BC to 1AC. Using the Bible book of Matthew as a reference point, Dave Reneke identified the planetary conjunction of Jupiter and Venus to an exact date in 2BC similar to the planetary alignment of the "smiley face" witnessed on the 1st of December in Muscat night sky but much closer. He said a "beacon of light" would have been visible across the eastern dawn sky as Venus and Jupiter moved across the constellation of Leo on June 17, 2BC. The conjunction of the planets was so close, he said that the planets would have appeared as one bright star even with the naked eye. With this discovery if true, should charismas be celebrated in winter December (White Christmas) or during June (Hot Charismas)?!. This incident should suggest to us how difficult it is to submit to science without taking into account other religious facts or believes if I may say, and should challenge those who are for the pure use of science.
Have a nice stargazing and pleasant charismas while it is still celebrated in winter :)

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